Tb-161 workshop in Prague

On April 17-18, 2023, the project Electtra meeting took the place in Prague, Czech Republic. Beside the project partners we welcomed also other partners from academia, clinics and industry interested in Terbium-161 isotope. First day of the workshop was mainly dedicated to the project progress evaluation. Visit to the research…

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Project meeting in Oslo

The ELECTTRA project meeting was held between 13th and 15th June 2022 in Oslo. It was jointly organised by the Institute for Energy Technology and University of Oslo, as local project collaborators. The members of the research team met in Institute for Energy Technology in Kjeller and the second day…

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Milestone – Pure Tb-161 sample – 5 GBq

A sample of pure Terbium-161 with radioactivity over 5 GBq was prepared at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague, in the same way as the sample in 1 GBq milestone. Total amount of Tb-161 obtained after separation was 7386,7 MBq (related to the end of…

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Milestone – Pure Tb-161 sample – 1 GBq

A sample of pure Terbium-161 with radioactivity over 1 GBq was prepared at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague thanks to a newly developed separation system. It was prepared by neutron irradiation of highly enriched Gadolinium-160 and subsequent separation on a chromatographic column with cation…

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Milestone – Separation system

A production system was developed at CTU to allow reliable routine production of Terbium-161 and its separation from target material, the Gadolinium-160, and other radionuclidic impurities like Ytterbium or Samarium. The separation system is based on column cation exchange chromatography, which is used for both separation and purification steps of…

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Project meeting in Prague

The ELECTTRA project meeting was held on 7th December in Prague. It was organised by the main recipient. The members of the research team met at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Praue. The results achieved in 2021 were discussed acording to individual work packages and…

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